Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What The Hell Are You Talking About? And Why You Not Mad At Me Anymore?

On Monday my boss just blew up on me.  Once again with this guy I don't know what for.  We had talked about this thing, but according to him he said I said one thing when the opposite happened and now he has to do something.  I still don't quite understand what this thing is, but I definitely know we didn't have this conversation he's talking about.

His false accusations of me are really starting to piss me off.  Why can't you articulate what you're saying?  Maybe then I can tell you that that was going to happen.  It's gotten to the point where I stopped saying sorry.  I'm not sorry, mostly because I don't think I did what you think I did.  How could I if 1) I don't know what the fuck you're saying and 2) if I'm right about my hunch (and I have a feeling that at the very least you're wrong), you never asked?

I am really, really starting to resent this asshole.  I am really starting to chafe tolerating his bullshit.  So I will no longer be contrite for things I didn't do, and if he wants to fire me for my sullen insubordination ... well, I'm sticking to my guns.  I'm doing the best I can, and he has the right to find someone else if he disagrees.

But then the weirdest thing happened just before I left for the day.  He checked up on me while I was packing things up.  And he did it without any outward resentment or disdain, not as far as I could tell.  Maybe it's still true that he lets things wash off his back, or maybe he understands that he can't be yelling at me all the time, or maybe he knows that I'm a temp whom he threw into an impossible situation.  But he didn't seem to have any lingering bitterness towards me.  Maybe it's a ruse.  Maybe it's for real.

Fuck if I know.  The stress of the job is hard to take, and now I can't even fuckin' read this guy.  Maybe I should move on after this.

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