Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Republican Brainwashing Continues To Work

We need to ban guns.  Assault rifles and semi-automatic guns, of course, but handguns, too.  And yes, we need better mental health care for people.  But you know what?  Maybe we should bar the mentally ill from getting guns first!  Let's take care of the guns thing before the mental health thing!

But according to this poll just out from ABC News and the Washington Post, most people believe that mental health care would have been a more effective deterrent than banning guns.  This despite studies and common sense.  But it's been Republicans who have successfully took the bullet for the National Rifle Association again by deflecting our nation's gun nut problem by saying we need to take care of the sick instead, even though it's totally possible we could tackle both problems at the same time, and besides, they aren't going to do shit about mental health care anyway.

But yep, it's mental health.  That's the problem.  These Republican fuckers win again.

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