Friday, September 14, 2018

Should Keep Track Of Ripoff Strippers

Just because I was out and about, I thought of stopping in at My Favorite Stripclub (Non-Cover Version) to re-familiarize myself to the regulars and the staff.  Good time, as usual, although I'm still blown away that, with tip, the price of a regular cup of coffee there is more expensive than one I can get from Starbucks.

I still tip only two dollars on-stage.  That's already more than the buck I initially gave out when I first when to that place.  Nevertheless, it seems more and more (especially with the new strippers) that they are demanding five bucks whenever I come on stage.  No fucking way.  No.  Fucking.  Way.  I am not made out of money, and besides, over the course of a shift, giving five bucks to four dancers is the same as getting a lap dance from one of them, and that's way more bang for the buck.

There are still strippers, God bless 'em, who will accept my two bucks, and gladly.  That entices me to get LDs, which are $20, from them down the line.  That's the way it works, and should work, for me: If you accept $2, you will occasionally get $20 from me.  If you demand $5, you eventually will get $0.  It's my principle.

Ever since more and more strippers have demanded five, I have mentally sought to make a list of those girls so that I know never to meet them on-stage.  But I have never written them down.  Never got around to it.  And no, keeping a mental checklist does not work, because oftentimes I see the shift and wonder, "Hey, does that new girl with the unfamiliar name take $2 or $5?"  And I take a guess, go up on-stage, and embarrass myself when the dancer demands five bucks, and that's when I recall her telling me the same thing on a night, say, two months back.

As of right now, I can remember, uh, three strippers who won't dance for less than two.  I can remember their stripper names and what they look like.  One of them was on shift when I popped in last night, and dutifully, I did not go on stage -- which, by the way, makes me the equal to the vast majority of guys there, so I refuse to be singled out for being "cheap" when most of the guys there don't go up to the stage at any moment while they nurse their drinks for the night.  But there was this one girl, a blonde who's on the older side but still looks fucking hot, who I may have seen before and may or may not have rebuffed my two dollars.

Oh well, I thought ... time to see if she rejects me again, or for the first time, or, maybe, she'll surprise me and accept it.  He-heh, I should have known better.  I threw down my two dollars, and as she approached she stopped, looked at my meager contribution, and said, "It's a five-dollar minimum."  That was bullshit, but to save face, I went into apoplectic apology mode: "Oh, I'm sorry.  Here, why don't you just take this," I said, as I walked away, determined to remember her name and features so I never have to deal with that shit ever again.

I don't know what that woman is thinking.  There were two other dancers there (both brunettes, if that means anything), and they gladly accepted my two dollars.  One of them I have gotten lappers from once in a while; the other I got one from last night.  Did she see that?  Because that's the way it should work, and that's the way it will work as long as I'm going there.

Man, I really should write these names down so I don't have to get into such an awkward situation again.

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