Thursday, March 14, 2019

Asshole Warning (Scheduled Post)

As I get further and further into training in my new departments, I am told and confronted with people who won't be courteous and professional.  I'll be vague about it, since this has to do with work, but I will say that there are enemies, both foreign and domestic, and my job will, eventually, have to do with dealing with them.

Am I ready?  I don't know.  A part of me is looking for a way out -- again, as I usually do, and as I think is the smart thing to do.  But there's this one dude, one who isn't at the company but one who works for a company that my company works with, who apparently is motherfucker, and a dumb one at that.  If I have to speak with him, and he doesn't cooperate, well, I don't think I will want to run away then.  Will I react professionally ... or will I defend myself, and possibly be fired for doing so?

I might have to come up with an answer.  Or maybe I need to find a solution so that I don't have to even have an answer.

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