Monday, March 25, 2019

Worst Day Ever? Worst Day Ever.

Shit.  Bad day all around on my vacation.  Got late to the Billikens baseball game mostly because of my laziness.  Then I skipped out of it to eat some barbecue, only to see that the line was so long they would run out of food, so I went back to the baseball game.  Then I got late to the Weezer concert; feature act The Pixies was playing "Where Is My Mind?" as I got into the Enterprise Center.  And I got so caught up with Attorney General Barr's "interpretation" of the Mueller Report that I missed Weezer opening their act by singing "Buddy Holly" as a barbershop quartet.

Oh yeah, the Mueller Report.  I have to think we're being gaslighted/gaslit; there is too much fucking bullshit that smells to believe that Trump and the Republicans weren't in on this, no matter what Barr is saying.  But that is what Barr is saying, and The Media, which I have been trying to defend for so long, is fucking failing on the true facts of this situation, declaring that son-of-a-bitch Trump completely exonerated from all collusion with Russia.  One again: Bull and shit.

Once I saw the news of the Barr Summary my day went to shit.  Didn't help things that I went to the stripclub and no girl approached me.  I then went to the casino and promptly lost $38, and the craps woman was terse to me.  Almost lost my watch, too, but I found it.  I guess that's a win.

Oh, and the Gopher women's hockey team lost the NCAA championship game last night.  And to fucking Wisconsin, of all goddamn teams.

And now I'm typing this about six hours before I have to check out of this hotel room.  Well, seven because I asked for an extension, but the receptionist to whom I asked this request, bless her heart, seems daffy.  So I might get charged another damn night, because I am typing this at 5 in the morning and I am tired and depressed as fuck.

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