Wednesday, March 27, 2019

No, I Do Not Believe

Whatever Attorney General Bill Barr said, that Special Counsel Bob Mueller found no evidence that Donald Trump conspired with Russia to win the presidential election nor that he obstructed justice ... bullshit.

Bull.  Shit.

He colluded with Russia.  And he has done so many things to cover up that collusion.  The facts -- the truth -- is out there, if you are of a correct mind and what to find it out.  Let's start with David Corn's fantastic takedowns, both before and after Barr's sham of a summary.  You might fuss over the details, although I think doing so helps Republicans who have been trying to obfuscate this whole treason, but the bottom line is Donald Trump and his people (and, in my belief, Republicans) coordinated with Russia to help Trump get elected.

I have to admit that I felt that Bob Mueller would save us with his report.  It didn't.  But the reaction to his report, and Barr's fake interpretation of Mueller's report, has, frankly, pissed me off.  What Barr has done is a goddamn lie, but I have seen Democrats, in the wake of this report, either begrudgingly accept the findings of the report (which, again, is false because BILL BARR IS ONLY GIVING HIS BIASED OPINION OF THE REPORT) or, worse, pivoting to other pressing issues that Trump is fucking up and saying, basically, "Oh, I really didn't think the Mueller report was going to show anything anyway -- it didn't matter!"  That deflection is the province of a Republican weasel.

The reaction by the #Resistance -- either desperate reframing of the narrative or dejection over this contrived spin -- is deeply dispiriting.  Why aren't more people fighting?  Why aren't more people believing their own eyes and ears?  Why are they not bringing up all the people around Trump who have been indicted and are going to jail?  Why are they not bringing up the fact that Trump has been going to bat for Vladimir Putin like the buttboy he is?  And why in the hell are they not bringing up the fact that Trump isn't doing shit to protect are elections for 2020?  There is too much circumstantial evidence not to believe in conspiracy and obstruction of justice, and yet people on my side have just ... forgotten about it?

No, I have not forgotten.  And no, I do not believe.  I still do not believe.  I can see with my own eyes what this "president" and his party has done to win the presidency.  And if Bob Mueller somehow lets Trump off the hook in his full report, which should be made public, and now -- and by the way, I blame Bob Mueller for not doing the obvious thing and stand up this own Republicans in order to save this country -- I still will not believe Trump is exonerated.  He and his Republicans are guilty as fuck.  I will believe that to my dying day.  And goddammit, I will do everything I possibly can to stop them.

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