Sunday, March 10, 2019

Oh, It's Just Me, Raking The Roof

I can't fucking believe that I care about strangers looking at me, but pretty soon I am going to go out to the front of my house and rake my roof.  The last time I did was the first time I ever used this thing, and the asshole neighbor who moved in last year kept telling me it wasn't going to work and that I should pay the guy who did his roof eighty bucks instead.  Told him "Screw you," so if I wind up dead in the middle of the night, the guys in the yellow house are the first suspects, OK?

Look, I don't even know if I'm doing it right.  I think I'm getting the hang of it -- pull down a foot at a time, don't over-exert yourself, do not rake against the shingles, stuff like that.  I'm not sure if it's going to make a damn bit of difference against the ice damns I'm scared as hell about.  If anything, it's already too late.  I can see the build-up of ice on the gutter, and while clearing the snow behind it might be a good thing, in a couple days that ice, and the rest of the snow that's going to still be on the roof, is going to melt and refreeze.

What else can I do?  Well, maybe getting these calcium pucks is the only solution.  But I already have to explain to my parents about buying this huge rake which will be a PITA to put away.  It doesn't look like I can buy, you know, a starter pack of these melting pucks.  It's going to be a huge bucket, and I don't think I'm going to go through them all as we finally will be done with the snow for the season.  And then I'm going to have to explain to my folks why I have, like, four dozen of these pucks used to melt ice on the roof and gutters when there is no more ice on the roof and gutters.

But what's foremost on my mind right now is trying to rake my roof and some bleepin' stranger commenting on it -- "Oh, you're doing it wrong," "It's just gonna melt in the next week anyway," "Man, you're gonna hurt yourself -- here, here's a roofer I know who'll do it for good and for cheap."  Crap like that.  Crap that I don't need nor want.  I just want to be left alone, and I'm scared as hell that won't be possible.

But I'm running out of daylight.  Here goes nothing.

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