Monday, May 6, 2019

I Just Want To State, For The Record ...

... that I was goaded into trying to get my new tires installed by this guy my parents know instead of the chain store place I wanted to go to.  Last night, when they finally gave me this person's contact information, they revealed that they got this recommendation from their (only) friend, who has used them twice.  But I was thinking that my folks know this guy, too.  No, it turns out -- they only strenuously recommended this person because their friend recommended him to them.  They have never used them for anything.  And they expect me to take my car over to a complete stranger ... who, by the way, does not have a shop and would be doing this out of his house garage???

I don't want to do this.  I want to bring this to an actual professional who, if things go wrong, I can blame for fucking up.  But both my parents' nagging has broken me.  I cannot defy them any longer, lest I get thrown out of the house.  So, I am waking up in several hours to call the tire people, again, and this time asking them to just hold the tires I ordered at its warehouse so I can pick them up.  If the customer service rep says that they have already sent them to the (second) place I wanted them installed, frankly, I'm going to ignore my damn folks and just pay the extra money so they can change my tires.  If they've already been sent, what's the fucking point of taking those tires and bringing them home?

However, if they have not gone out, I'll get the tires my goddamn self, take them home, and tell my parents, whose cockamamie idea this was, to go out to this rando and tell him to change the tires of my precious car.  Better believe that if anything fuckin' happens to my car, they're responsible.

Whether this works or not, I just want them to shut their goddamn mouths about this.  These people are so motherfucking cheap that they'll nag and nag and nag on me to take these tires from a professional shop to some guy (WHO THEY DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW!!!) because they can't stand me spending $130 more than I could otherwise.

(By the way, they would not even know about this shit if the original place I wanted to send these tires to did not leave a voicemail at the landline.  Didn't think of that, goddammit.)

I have this morbid dream that this guy fucks up the installation.  I'm driving my car back from work, there's a bend in the highway ... and one of the tires just pops off of the wheel.  I skid to a stop just as the semi behind me tries to veer around me, but fails.  No, that driver plows right into me, killing me just like that.  The police go to the house and break the bad news to my parents.  Upon investigation, where they find the popped-out tire sitting immaculately against the barrier of the highway and the police ask who installed the tires, they're going to goddamn fucking lie and say that going to some private citizen's house was my idea, that I was fanatical in getting these tires done for cheap.

I so hate my parents right now.  I really, really do.

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