Friday, May 24, 2019

No, Don't Need The Fucking Flu

For the record, the test scoring job wrapped up around 8 p.m. yesterday (Thursday) evening.  Thought it would last a little longer, but I'm not totally surprised.  We were once told that once we were done with this project we would go over to help finish off another project before the week was out, but last night we were told that they had enough people, so what we had was it.

After losing my job, I went to the Megamall, which was just across the street, to dink around, get some exercise, watch the Raptors-Bucks game and just figure out how to waste enough time so that I could get home at a time commensurate with the previous nights so my parents won't get suspicious.  Once I figured enough time had passed, I went to the bathroom before driving home.

While walking in I passed by a white guy wearing a suitcoat, a plaid shirt that was tucked in, and jeans.  Stereotypically I saw him as a smartly dressed man.  But as I was peeing, out of my peripheral vision, I saw that same guy sternly walk back in, go into a stall and, without shutting the door, loudly retch into the toilet.  And whatever was vomiting out of his mouth was voluminous, judging by the loud and expansive "plop" I heard as the, uh, contents hit the surface of the toilet water.

The fuck was that?  Why in the hell is this sharp-dressed man vomiting?  Does he have the flu?  That would be shitty if he did, because I have to walk on the same steps he did, and I'm scared as hell right now that I have breathed in his flu -- somehow, like it was on his natty suitcoat, or that he coughed (and I didn't hear it) and the germs remained airborne and I just inhaled it all.

I felt nauseous on the drive home.  Felt my throat swell up, too, which is a sure sign for me that my body is fighting something.  I feel fine now, but I could wake up and feeling as though I need to puke.  So just in case, I'm blog posting about it here.  To think that I could go from healthy to ill all because of some sick stranger who subverted my superficial judgement of him.  Damn that guy.

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