Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Oh, And Another Small Thing I Like About The Test Scoring Job:

Our main room is partitioned off.  Obviously there are gaps in the partition which serve as entrances.  There is the main one, the big one, which is on the back half of the room, and I don't think that's where that entrance should be.  If you are sitting in the front half of the room (and most of the ones who are scoring in the room with me sit up there), it'll take a long way to walk up there.  It seems as though there should be an opening closer to the front, you know?

Anyway, there is a second one -- in the way back, the end of the partition stops just short of the back of the room.  Therefore, there is a gap, probably a person-and-a-half wide, where people can come through.  You will be at the back row to start ... and it just so happens that I sit in the back row.  This back entrance wasn't the reason I sit back there.  I actually started this project sitting in the middle, right where the "front" entrance is, in fact, but the next day some scorer in a wheelchair bogarted it.  And even though I initially was told that I couldn't sit in the back, over the rest of the week I moved further and further until I could not go any further, all because I just wanted to be left alone.

And left alone, for the most part, I am.  There is one other person who now sits in the back row, and at times there have been a couple others, although I don't seem them scoring anymore.  So, at least to me, when I get to the room, I slip into this corner gap back entrance (the front of the room faces away from the front of the entire building) like it's a VIP entrance, just for me!  Moreover, there is a room right at that corner, and its door opens up to close much of this back entrance.  That makes it even more exclusive, and that makes me feel even more special!  So when it's open, I slip between that door and the partition and walk down to my desk, like I'm The Man.

Pathetic?  Sure.

This test scoring project ends this week, so I will miss this perk of self-ascribed exclusivity.

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