Saturday, May 18, 2019

Challenging Day Ahead

The crux of it is work, where I will be largely left on my own in the latest department I had been trained in.  There will be someone just in case shit goes sideways, but in a few hours, I'm doing all this shit by myself ... even though it's been weeks since I was last in this department.  I've got my notes, but at some point I feel as though someone's going to confront me at my desk and go, "Why haven't you done this yet?!?!" and I'll just shrug while putting on my most innocent-looking mug I can.

Meanwhile, after a lot of uncertainty over the weather forecast, I decided that I was not going to sell my MNUFC ticket and instead will actually go to the match this evening.  Still have no idea if it's going to rain before, during or after the match, but I went with the forecast that said the heaviest rain will end by noon.  I'm going to get drenched, won't I?

I made that decision when I went to my night test scoring job last night.  Wanted to give my parents as much time to plan a quick dinner as possible, so I called Mother who, by the way, I have neither seen nor spoken to since Monday, so I wanted to see how she was doing.  Caught her at the library -- whoops.  After I told her my plans for tonight, she asked me to wake up early because she wants me to help her out with, I think, a text she wants worded professionally.  OK, for someone whom I haven't seen in days and who has made fantastic leftovers for me, I can do this.

But this is now how my day is mapped out.  I wake up early, help Mother in a way that is smooth (but you never know), get to work on time (but not before getting fake frap at the gas station), spending eight hours trying to remember things on my own while controlling my anxiety, then hopefully getting out of work in time to have dinner with my parents for, like, 45 minutes before I head off to watch a soccer match potentially in a downpour.

So please wish me luck.

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