Monday, May 27, 2019

I Know I Should Take This Better, But I'm Not

Today, Memorial Day, was supposed to be my day.  I would wake up in the morning, go downtown, and watch the Play-Up (as I like to call it) match between Aston Villa and Derby County (it's called The Richest Game In The World because the winner is promoted to the English Premier League and will receive a cut of its huge TV rights deal, so yeah, the stakes can't get any higher).  After that I would go to Hooters and use my calendar coupon, and then Caffetto and blog and surf until I had to go home.  And that would be that.

But no.  My brother, sister-in-law and niece are coming over.  I know that it's been some time since they visited, but what ever would they do there?  My niece is now 4 1/2, so the old tricks to entertain her don't work.  It might be easier now to keep her from boredom, but if she's just going to play on her phone while she's here, well, why is she here?

Yeah, and just as I typed that I felt like a dick for saying it.  I know I should be a good person and enjoy when family comes around.  But I have to own (well, own up is the more appropriate phrase) my feelings, and frankly, my feelings are that they've ruined my plans.  Well, kind of.  I learned that they are coming over this morning through My Father, and since he bitched at me to clean my room early yesterday, I kind of got triggered when he said another thing I didn't like.

Anyway, I am trying to get past my visceral feeling about him being an asshole.  When he said that, I was trying to parse my day.  Maybe I can still go watch the match and cut Caffetto short.  But he said that they were coming in the morning.  So I texted my sister-in-law to make sure sure that they're coming in the morning, and she said, maybe, but it looks more like after 12.

Well, if that's the case, I can go out and come back -- assuming the match doesn't last past regulation.  But ... goddammit, as much as I hate being blindsided, and as much as I hate My Fucking Father leveling me with the news, I can't just up and leave when family might be coming.  I don't want to be a dick about this.  I have no clue how to act around them when they come over, but dammit, I should ... try, you know?  Just going out isn't going to look good, even if I come home in plenty of time.

So this is what I'm going to do.  I will wake up early.  I will tool around, maybe even fucking clean my room.  If it somehow comes about from Father that my brother, sister-in-law and niece are coming later in the day, I will go out to watch the match and then fly back home.  But that probably won't happen.  I will wake up early, clean my room, then wait and wait and wait and wait for them to come, just to show my folks what a dutiful family member I am.  And then they'll be here at, like, 1 in the afternoon and I'll be tired and cranky all day.

It's supposed to be my day.  But really, I think every day is supposed to be my day.  So I'm just going to give this one day up and see if it works out for the better.

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