Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Saved The Heinz BBQ Bottle!!!


OK, some background.  Heinz had a line of barbecue sauces that supposedly represents famous American regions known for BBQ.  They still have it, but they may have trimmed some flavors and they have updated the design and packaging.  I was obsessed with getting all of them -- off the top of my head there were or are Kansas City, Memphis, Texas, Kentucky, Hawai'i, and Carolina -- that I bought all of them.  And this was at least several years back when they first came out.  I didn't care how long it took for me to go through them or that we already had BBQ sauce -- I wanted them and I bought them all!  (For the record, I think I bought, like, four of them because those four were the first that came out.  The Kentucky and Hawai'i ones came later, and I bought those before 2018 because, well, the expiration dates on both caps are 2018.  I'm not sick, promise!)

Once I went through a bottle, I made sure I washed it, emptied out the insides, and stored it in my storage unit.  But the latest one I went through, the Carolina mustard one, I left in there as my parents cleaned out the fridge several days ago.  I didn't put two and two together until I opened up the refrigerator and saw that that bottle was gone.  Shit!  Why didn't I think of grabbing that bottle before my folks did?

So it's in the trash.  What to do?  Well, I wanted to know if Heinz still made Carolina mustard BBQ sauce.  It looks like they do, but they have updated the packaging from what it once was.  I got to have the old bottle!  But I'll have to look through the trash in order to do it!

And so I did.  Did so just now, after work.  (It helped tremendously that, surprise surprise, there was no overtime offered after work.  If there were, I would have stayed, gone home, rested, then gone on to see No Time To Die, which I am going to do after I blog post this.)  I stole some disposable gloves from work, put a cloth mask on top of the surgical mask I used at work, and dove into my own trash bin.

I was hoping not to get myself too dirty.  All the bags I saw I used my hands to squeeze and prod, hoping to feel a shape of a bottle so I only had to open that bag.  Eventually, I got to a big bag, and although I couldn't feel any plastic in there, it was possible that a bottle was right in the middle of it.  I didn't want to open it, but I had as much "PPE" that I could find, and if I was serious about getting this bottle, I would open this damn bag.  So I opened that damn bag.

And guess what I found?  The bottle of Heinz Carolina mustard!  And it was drenched in other nasty, smelly crap!  And I took that bottle to the laundry/mud room and am washing the hell out of it in order to get it clean.

I am not ashamed to say that whatever has happened at work (and it wasn't great), and whatever could happen on my way out to the movies (fingers crossed), today is a good day!  I was able to find what I wanted to find and was afraid I had lost.  That is a save in my book, and I am so grateful.  Phew!

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