Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Evil Won Tonight

I guess I was expecting too much from the day when working in The Fourth Department was, shockingly and miraculously, stress-free.

After work (where I stayed an extra hour for overtime) I voted for local school board, then went to watch Shang-Chi And The Ten Rings (it finished well, culminating in a hell of a fight featuring two serpents; frankly, it wasn't funny till one big joke in the mid-credits interstitial).  Driving home, local cop cars were stationed, cherries flashing, down just about every cross street, including the one I needed to go down to get home.  I circled around to get around the, uh, blockade, but I saw another cop car right kitty-corner from the house, anchoring the nearest cross-street from us.  I dashed in in case some guy wanted to take me hostage or something.

I dashed downstairs to makes sure my parents were alright, then went up to my bed to scroll on my phone.  When I hit my Twitter, I remembered that it was Election Day ... and then I saw tweets suggesting that in the big individual contest of the night, Governor of Virginia, the Democratic challenger lost to the racist Republican Trump cocksucker.  Devastating night, one that snowballed (at least in the political realm) to include a tie in the Virginia House Of Delegates and, at least as of press time, a way too tight race for Governor of New Jersey.

The polls for both governors races showed both leading their Rethug stooge.  That one won and the other might reinforces a fear that I began to have after Trump and the Republicans stole the 2016 election (and they did, don't lie, if they didn't they wouldn't be projected how we won the 2020 presidency even though we won fair and square): Polls will no longer be accurate because Republican voters now willingly refuse to tell pollsters they are voting Rethug.  I'm guessing that those people equate pollsters with The Media, and so they will lie to them because they don't trust them.  This is the fourth straight cycle in which Republicans overperformed compared to poll results, and is the only reason I can reasonably settle on.  It'll get to the point where, if polls taken just before Election Day show the Democrat up by five points, that candidate will lose.  It feels like that margin of error has to be baked in now, I'm afraid.

For all the finger-pointing about how the Democratic nominee was weak, or any bullshit talk about centrists-vs.-progressives, there has been a continuing burble about how The Media failed to tell the facts about these Rethug candidates.  I don't know if I've said this before, but even if I have: You fucking people who want to make The Media the whipping person for every bad thing that happens to Democrats makes you no better than the Republicans who are successfully eroding journalism in order to warp the concept of facts themselves.  This isn't The Media's fault.  Well, they could do better.  But I know that Republicans these days are nothing but white supremacists who only want to gain power and line their pockets by rich oligarchs to whom they will whore.  People who know and fear that this country is marching toward a dictatorship know where the evil lies.  I don't fucking need no goddamn Media to tell me that people love fascism.  The facts are there for all to see.  Shit, man, you can see the inability for these Rethugs to govern is there as soon as they open up their fucking mouths and spew their racist, cruel, insulting shit for all to hear.  Why in the goddamn hell do you insist The Media needs to tell you what you can see right in front of you?!  You're supposed to be a smart, informed, curious citizen of (supposedly) The World's Greatest Democracy -- find out for your own goddamn self!!!

It's not The Media's fault.  And it ain't "messaging" because if you cared about what's going on in this country and its people, you won't get snowed under by what "narratives" Republicans and Democrates tell you and instead just look at the facts.  It's the fault of, in order: Dictator-loving Rethugs who will lie and grift in order to win races; stupid motherfucking Republican "people" who are too brain-dead to think for themselves and are now only motivated by fear and hate to notice that the people who they vote for couldn't give two shits about them; and, frankly, Democratic voters who love to vote for the shiny object of United States President but couldn't be bothered to get off their fat asses, put on some pants and go down to their precinct to vote against Trump and the people who want to kiss his fat ass.  And now, evil has prevailed because good people did nothing.  Great.  Just fucking great.


Oh, to compound this good day-turned-bad night, The Bastard Boston-By-Way-Of-Milwaukee Braves won the World Series.  I watched maybe, total, two Minutes of it.  Atlanta versus Houston?  More like racists versus cheaters.  And the racists won.  I couldn't give less of a rat's ass about this World Series, and I'm glad I skipped it.

But then I remembered what happened with Atlanta.  They were supposed to have the All-Star Game this Year, but Major League Baseball moved it to Colorado because the state government began (and eventually passed) legislation to suppress the votes of Black people in the state of Georgia.  So now the nitwits who do The Chop and then say, "Me?  Racist??  Wha???" now see this as karma for MLB so arrogantly taking away their All-Star Game.

It gets worse than that, however.  When you conflate this supposed repudiation of a move of this size over an important political (and racial) issue with a team that has been criticized for perpetuating racism, and then that team wins a championship, these Atlanta numbskulls will then be emboldened to do The Chop even more.  They'll move the goalposts in order to maintain their tradition -- it can't be racist because I know I'm not racist, and even if it is racist, so what, whatcha gonna do?  It's a bad faith, selfish argument that Donald Trump used every day he occupied the presidency ... and wouldn't you know it, that gelatinous piece of shit was in Atlanta the other night, doing The Chop because he thinks Native Americans are inferior to him.  Those fans in the stands feel the same way.  Many of them would like for him to occupy the presidency again.  In fact, some of them probably think he still is President.

(By the way, I'm not saying The Houston Asterisks/Trashstros are the good guys here.  Fuck, that Gurriel mothefucker made fun of Asians, so he's fuckin' dead to me.  Those trash can-banging cheaters have no moral leg to stand on.  But I have to admit that in the grand scheme of things, cheating to win baseball Games pales in comparison to, you know, making fun of other races.  But like I alluded to before, I was hoping both teams would lose the World Series.)

Republicans sweep into power.  The baseball team in Atlanta wins the title.  Both entities are buoyed by thoughtless, vicious automatons who couldn't give a fuck about you if you're not White.  All those assholes are on top of the world right now.  Yes, evil won tonight.  And good lost, sadly and utterly.

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