Tuesday, November 23, 2021

I Thought I Could Sleep In Second Shift This Week!!!

Yeah, things aren't going as I expected this week.  I was looking forward to it ever since I volunteered to fill in for the woman in Filing second shift.  With my parents gone, not only would I not be woken up earlier than I have to by their commotion (they're morning people, dammit), I would not be obligated to eat lunch with them before I go.  I would have all this free time on my hands with nothing I really need to do except get up and go to work ... at 3:30, which means I could technically wake up at 3 and make it on time if I hurry.  And if I do that, and I want eight hours of sleep -- well, that means I could stay up until 7 in the morning, which is the time I usually start my day.

That would be my ideal schedule this week.  Well, maybe not the go to bed at 7 part.  But I have no family obligations, so I can go to sleep when I want and not worry about waking up till the heart of the afternoon, so I am free of responsibility ... right?  Right??

The thing I didn't quite fold into this otherwise masterful plan were all the other things I want to do.  Those things take time, and they require me to prepare for them ... which means waking up way earlier than the absolute latest time I can be awake before heading off to work.  Consider my days this workweek and empathize with me:
  • Monday: I have the November coupon from the Hooters calendar I have yet to use.  Also, my favorite waitress there (she's a cutie, you should see her) said when I last saw her there that she works Monday afternoons.  Well, since I have my late mornings free, this is the perfect time to use it!  Oh, and I went through all the suits I own to see which ones still fit me.  The ones that don't I dropped off at the dry cleaning locker room in the office building where my psychiatrist practices.  And then I bought Potbelly (avo turkey, 'cause Thanksgiving), but then I remembered that they toast all their sandwiches, so instead of bringing it eat at work, I ate it as soon as I got home.  Finally, I needed to stay up to do this thing for this network I work for.
  • Tuesday: So, about Hooters?  Yeah, so I went there, and I was looking to see if this babe was working, and I didn't see her.  I did a lap around MOA because I need the exercise, then came back just in case she got in late or something.  But I still didn't see her.  Well, she also said that she works Tuesday afternoons, so instead of sleeping in a bit, I have decided I'd wake up around the same time I did yesterday morning to see if she's working today.  And regardless if I eat at Hooters or not, I have to swing by this fellow alum who has volunteered to give me a tank top.  And then I have to go grocery shopping.  Oh, and this could all be blown up if ***e* and ******e return my text and say they can double-team me with a handjob.
  • Wednesday: I have appointments here that I set up some time ago.  I haven't gotten a shave because of the pandemic, but one day not too long ago I said, "Why not?  I'm tired of shaving myself," and made an appointment at this highfaluting place I've been to once before.  I then have to go to Subway to get my customary turkey sub that I'll eat for Thanksgiving.  I then want to test myself for COVID and then, and I'm truly excited for this, I managed to find a clinic and a time slot for my booster shot.  This comes at time where I won't have enough time to rest before going to work, but to get a booster, I don't mind skipping a nap.
  • Thursday/Thanksgiving: OK, this is the one day I don't have to go anywhere or get up at any time.  I usually do get up early, however, to get a workout in.  You see, the community center opens up their ice rink in the morning for a family skate.  The gym is open at the same time, and until they close around 11, I get to exercise in preparation for all the turkey I will eat that afternoon and night.  The community center isn't doing that this year, so even though I won't get to work out, I do get to sleep in.  Also, I thought that I would make spaghetti, but with the kitchen faucet leaking water to the basement below, I am not all that keen on making a meal for myself.  There's that Subway sub, heating up leftovers, opening up that bottle of wine, and maybe trying out a cocktail with the lemons, limes, oranges and juicers I will have bought for this occasion.
  • Friday: I originally planned this to see and fuck ****e, but goddammit, she's in the wind again.  My backup is ***e* and ******e, and that might come to fruition since they're also giving me the silent treatment.  I thought about shopping, but with coronavirus infections skyrocketing everywhere but especially in Minnesota, I think I can skip the frenzy this year.  I might actually sleep in this day if none of my girls come through ... or, I can use the time to exercise.  Don't know yet.
So as you can see, just cocooning in until I have to get up in the afternoon is probably not going to be in the cards because I have all this stuff I have to ... well, a lot of it I want to do.  Well, ******e flew in for vacation this week, so if she didn't, I wouldn't have the urge to get jerked off by her and ***e*.  And I am running around buying food because of Thanksgiving and I always buy something with turkey.  Remove those two circumstances and that opens up a lot of time in which I can do nothing.  But yeah, all the other stuff I want to do.  Maybe I shouldn't want to do things.  I feel overwhelmed right now.

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