Friday, September 16, 2022

Addendum To: Addendum To: Addendum To: My Meeting In The Morning

Well, this has nothing to do with the meeting I had Wednesday morning, but it had plenty to do with the thing I said at the tail end of it, namely that my outburst would trigger some karma for me when I come in and work in The Fourth Department.  I stayed late by a bit more than an hour, but it was a shitty day, it truly was, for two reasons.  First, I can't remember a day where more e-mail addresses didn't work and bounced back on me.  There were, like, four of them, and so I needed to stay late and think about where else and, failing that, how else and even if I could request the information I need someplace else.

The other reason was one of these stupid goddamn curveballs, a situation where people wanted this test but we refused to give it to them, and I was communicating back and forth with several people about whether we could use this test instead.  Eventually I was told that was this customer wanted, this customer got.  The reason why was explained to me by my former supervisor who has moved to another department.  I don't get it, because if this test was good, and if this customer has always asked for it and always gotten it, why was I told they couldn't get it?  I don't want to even think about this problem anymore, but I know goddamn well this will be the first thing I'll have to re-confront when I walk through that door in the morning.  Fuck.

I really, really want to see this neutral women's volleyball Match between Pepperdine and Washington St. this evening.  But it starts at 5, and I am supposed to get out at 4:30, so getting there by the time the Match starts probably is a no-can-do, and if today is as bad as yesterday, the Match might be half or even more than half over by the time I get to Maturi.  (There's also a good chance it'll rain this evening, and so I'll face another should-I-or-shouldn't-I-go situation like I did last Week with the difference being there isn't a second Match to watch that makes walking through a potential storm worth it.)  And all because I (possibly?) raised some issues in a meeting with my boss and supervisor?  Great.

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