Thursday, September 1, 2022

Being A Sugar Daddy Isn't Part Of Our Relationship

So not one but two stripper girlfriends have hit me up for money over the past week.  This is not a case where they ask me, "Hey, sailor, you want me to cum over and give you a good time?"  You see, it's back to school time, and most Minnesota schools start class the day after Labor Day, and so both of my stripper girlfriends have asked if I could do them a huge favor and give them money through an app because they need to buy school supplies for their kids and they're a little short this time of year and blah, blah, blah.

Although I don't explicitly remember, I'm pretty sure this is not the first time I have been asked for money for their kids' school supplies.  In fact, I think it was at least one of these two who asked.  And I gave money to both of them.  And yes, I have huge reservations in doing that.  So why did I do it?  Lending money is something friends, or "friends," do for each other.  I want to remain in their good graces.  And this might be the wrong way to go, but I am grateful to ***e* for jerking me off all these years and to *u**** for fucking me and for sucking my dick the other day.

This time around, though, I said this is not me giving money to them.  This is an advance.  I am paying the money now in exchange for sexual favors I expect them to give me later, and without asking for any money in return.  I think I have asked politely for such an arrangement before, probably with ***e*, but this time around, seeing that as much money appears to be flowing out of my bank as appears to be going in, I felt kind of besieged when first ***e* and then, a few days later, *u**** both hit me up.  It appears as though they talked to each other between the time the former and the latter asked me for money whereby the former went, "Yeah, if you need money, go ask Unforgivable Wetness -- he gave me money, he might give you money, too!"  And as much as I love ***e*, I think that's what happened, and I kind of resent that.  What I can't be is a sugar daddy.

So, as much as I would like to help, I had to signal to them that I won't be a pushover.  I expect that the next time I see them, they'll get me off, and they will know not to expect any money back.  Like I said, the HJ, BJ and/or RJ is paid for.  I think they will honor that.  We're friends with benefits after all, right?  But do I know for sure?  No.  And that both scares and saddens me.

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