Sunday, September 25, 2022

And So Ends A 60-Hour Workweek (With An Aside About Paid Time Off)

A combination of staying a bit beyond my shift (something I usually do, and something now permitted nowadays since we're so short-staffed), offering overtime for stuff we're behind on, and filling in for people both last Sunday and yesterday/Saturday, I just worked each of the past seven days at my main job.  And boy, am I tired.

I do want to help out; I don't feel like "quiet quitting," at least not yet.  But a bigger motivation, of course, is financial.  Overtime is at time-and-a-half, which is awesome.  But for last week, knowing that I had the opportunity to fill in not one but two days, I decided to friggin' go for it and work at least 60 hours for the week, because after that point, I get double overtime pay.  Well, I guess I should have researched all of this before last Sunday, because it doesn't appear as though the state mandates double OT (and federal regulations explicitly state there are rules for, uh, "single" OT but conspicuously say nothing about double OT), so maybe I don't get double pay after 60.  But I went past 60 anyway!  Working in excess of 11 hours on Wednesday, when I came in early and left a couple hours after my shift was over, helped me blow past it.  Seriously, I should be up to 63-4 hours for the week.  So if the company provides double OT, I'm in the money!  And if not ... well, I know better now, and I can say that I had the intestinal fortitude to work that much in my old age ... so, yay me?


I think I haven't blog posted about this on WAF.  I didn't know till, uh, fairly recently that paid time off does not count toward overtime pay.  I thought I had a big opportunity to rack up the hours one week even with a holiday, and so I worked like a dog.  But because I worked a total of less than 40 hours of, uh, "actual" work, it was just straight time.  I looked at my pay statement once and thought my pay was a bit low, so I dug deeper and that's when I found out about this, well, dumb rule.  This is a disincentive to work; if the only way to get OT in a week where you have a day off is by, essentially, working a day, why not just enjoy the day off?  Maybe that was the intention when this policy was made all those years ago.  Maybe labor pushed for it.  Don't know.

At any rate, with a few months left before the year is over, I can start to compute how much paid time off I have left.  And even with a big holiday coming up around Christmastime, I still have so much that I currently am above a threshold of 40 hours I can carry into next year.  Once 2023 gets here, any paid time off above 40 is lost to me.  So, I am going to be taking an occasional day off here and there till the end of the year.  That includes Tuesday, where I hope to see that hot Hooters waitress, maybe convince my stripper girlfriend to touch or suck my dick, and then see Blonde at the Lagoon to see what gives that movie an NC-17 rating.  Hey, if you have to take a day off, might as well enjoy it, right?

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