Friday, September 2, 2022

Sorry, Father, But Wrong Move

My parents have been, shall we say, putting a bow on things around the house before they, well, return home to Las Vegas.  Father "tidied up" my bedroom, but he did do my laundry, too.  And then spent most of yesterday/Thursday stockpiling food that will take me forever to eat, including what appears to be a whole steer's worth of beef ribs, each cut into individual portions to, I assume, eventually be put into the freezer for me to eat until they come back, which probably is around March.  Until then, all those ribs, plus a bunch of other stuff, is still stuffing the refrigerator.  Half the stuff I won't get to until next year, the other half I don't eat.  Where is this all going to go?

One big mistake, however.  Just because he wanted to do things before he left, My Father, let's just say, secured the outside air conditioner unit.  He put the tarp on, and secured it with a tie-down bungee cord or two.  You need to do that to protect the unit from the snow in the winter.  My Father did it not just because he wanted to do it, but also because the weather lately has been moderate enough for us to forego using the AC.  Until this week.

I think this blindsided all of us, but at least since Wednesday, it's been hot and humid.  I didn't think the forecasts said it'd be this hot and humid, but right now, specifically tonight and as I write this, I sure as hell could use the damn AC.  But we can't; the outside unit is capped now, and running it with the tarp will just overheat and destroy the unit.  So I brought up a fan from downstairs, and I am going to strip myself naked and, maybe, sleep over the covers.  But dammit, it's going to be one uncomfortable night.

I understand why Father did it.  It's just a mistake, that's all.

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