Monday, November 20, 2023

Finally Rotated My Pants (Well, Sort Of)

One of the big household chores I really, really wanted to do and should have done sooner I did yesterday/Sunday -- well, I began doing, and beginning to do sometimes is half the battle.  I have a lot of pants, but I have one old-school drawer, of which I only dedicate one, uh, drawer to pants.  So what I do (or want to do actually) is to stuff in this drawer all the pants I want to use and stash the rest in a hamper in my closet.  Once a season or once a year -- at least theoretically -- I would take out the hamper and switch out the pants I have used for the ones that I have stashed.

I say theoretically because it's been more than a year, and possibly two years, since I rotated them.  I've been meaning to finally do that ever since my parents left, and finally I had time yesterday/Sunday afternoon to, well, start.  I have a lot of pants that don't fit me, and with me getting older and my damn waistline getting bigger, I needed to devote some time to trying them all on to see if they still fit.  I think I tried on some pants that haven't fit me for years, but yesterday/Sunday was finally the day I had the courage to set them aside and intend to give them away.

Whether or not they had fit in the past and now don't or if they've been too small for me for many seasons now, I have set aside four pants (one set of jeans and three khakis) that I will donate.  There is one pair of khakis that juuuuuuuust fit me; I think I will wear them once, try to breathe in them while doing something public real quick, pop the button and then run home before anyone notices.  And if that button doesn't pop, well, I'm still skinny enough for them!

All the rotating-in pants that still fit me are lying on the floor.  I'm going to have to take out the ones that will rotate out, stick them in the hamper, and then see if the drawer has enough space for all the pants rotating in.  I might do that now.  I might do that two months from now.  Who knows?

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