Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Had another long, bad day in The Fourth Department.  Thing is, it was one of those uncommon days where I thought everything was under control, to the point where there were times in the early afternoon I had nothing to do ... but then there was a shit ton of stuff in the afternoon, and the answers to the stuff I needed to get back were themselves a little complicated, so I had to e-mail back explaining what I needed exactly ... yadda-yadda-yadda, it's almost 6:30.

There was one back-and-forth where I think the other person just got sick of me.  There were two forms for which I asked for information together, but she gave me different answers for both.  I had to ask her to re-check one of them, which was a very long account number, and she seemed to reply with the account for the other form, which did check out.  I had to e-mail back saying I was sorry for being unclear, but this is the form I need an account for.  And she just replied, "I understood."  But did you, though?  I need to cover my ass and make sure it's very, very clear what information is being retrieved for which form.  I need the person I'm e-mailing to basically spell it out, all of it.  So that, in so many words, is what I was asking her when I replied again.  And she didn't answer by the time I left.

Maybe she had to go.  Or maybe she got tired of me and is going to talk to someone else in the company and ask that person to talk to me, which I think is a little bitch move.  Man, I sometimes hate this job. ...

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