Thursday, November 2, 2023

My Plans Depend On Others At The Drop Of A Hat

I had planned on seeing my ATF at My Favorite Stripclub (Cover Division) today/Thursday, but she said she might have to postpone because she is trying to see a dentist for an emergency.  I texted her -- oh yeah, I have her phone number -- that maybe we should just postpone regardless till next week, assuming next week would be a good time, but then she said that if she can't get in to see a dentist, then she will work at the club tonight/Thursday night and I can see her then.  So my evening plans, whether I am going out or not, depends on her texting me -- hopefully -- that she either gets to see a dentist or doesn't.  So I either change into my porno pants, get cash at the ATM and drive my parents' minivan down there, or I make this a night in and work on eating more of the food Mother froze for me.  Either way, I have plans.  I just don't know which plan I will be executing, and that all depends on a text I am assuming I get during the day.

This is similar to ... well, it's similar to a lot of things that have happened in my life, but particularly Sunday.  I had planned to do a half-day at work because they are backed up there.  I would have started my day at lunch, did my three or four hours, probably got something to eat again, then snuggled into bed to sleep through the evening.  But my bosses reminded me to text them to make sure there was actual work to be done on Sunday.  My boss (my real boss, the one who is driving me crazy about accruing overtime) did me a solid; as I awoke Sunday morning, he had already texted me that there was no one there to prepare the work for me to do my part of the job, so there was no use going in.  Well, that meant that I could eat Mother's food, have a cocktail and mulch the lawns of the dead leaves that fell on them (didn't think I would be using the lawnmower again after the previous time, but I had gotten obsessed with using the leaves as food for the grass), then have enough energy to go exercise at night.  But that meant not eating out or working, two things I had mentally prepared myself to do when the time comes.

There are always caveats, but these two situations represent times where I am mostly peeved about not knowing what I should or can do.  I have plans if something happens this way and plans if it happens that way, but not knowing which plan I am doing -- and furthermore, not knowing until the day of -- aggravates me.  This is something I need to react to.  In fact, I'm paralyzed unless and until someone, whether it be my boss or my ATF stripper, tells me what's going to happen.  So I'm stuck doing nothing except, well, bitching about my stasis here in my blog.

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