I had my work clothes on.
I was sleeping above my covers, with the bottom of them covering my feet because my feet get cold.
I checked the iPhone I laid next to me. It was 2 o'clock in the morning.
I had plans to go stripclubbin' this evening. That's why I didn't change. But I didn't want to go out too soon. Plus, I felt really, really tired after a torturous day at work looking through papers; I felt extremely fatigued during my session with my shrink.
So, at around 9 o'clock, I was kind of at a crossroads. I gave myself some time to rest, thinking that I may wake up around 10:30, when I would then see some Letterman or Fallon, then some Kimmel and Meyers, then go out. But ... I kind of knew that I might also sleep through the night. And frankly, I was OK with it. So no, I could have set the alarm clock, but I didn't, because if my body needed to rest, well, the strippers can wait.
And that's what happened, obviously. I have a lot of money burning in my wallet, and I guess that'll wait a couple days. Meanwhile I am up and ready to do some chores. Going to water the plants after this. Might also shred some credit card applications. Finally, after a couple more hours of rest, I think I'm going to try and use Seafoam in my car. Just want to make sure where the heck the brake booster line or PCV is.
I fall asleep instead of going out? I look forward to doing things around the house? Yeah, I'm getting old.
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