Saturday, June 9, 2018

I'm Just So Fucking Pissed Right Now

I shouldn't be this keyed up, but I am.  I think I had a pretty successful day out.  Hit El Taco de Mexico, considered to be the place with the best green chile in town, for breakfast.  Then, after a nap, I hit the original Chipotle for lunch and was able to use the free burrito card given to me by the stripper who cleaned the house.  Then I had a pretty good hike to walk off all those calories, made it to the Rockies game on time, and then finished my night off seeing the hype behind Voodoo Doughnuts.

With all that, there were plenty of things that pissed me off.  Let me list them for you:

  1. Eating Mexican followed by Chipotle did a number on my plumbing.  I had to shit, real bad -- once coming home from breakfast, once after the baseball game, and once trying to find my way home from Voodoo.  But the worst of it was at the hike.  I thought I was going to see the end of the trail when I felt this huge ... mass in my abdomen.  I knew I was going to blow shit all in my underwear if I didn't find a bathroom.  Luckily I was at the end of my hike and I reached a visitor's center's bathroom.  And then, after ten minutes, I had to use it again.  But that didn't stop my painful gas, which kept me uncomfortable, if not downright ornery, all day.
  2. There was a huge line for the Coors brewery, which I wanted to knock off my list.  Probably will try and do that today, if I have time.
  3. OK, the worst of all this.  My Rockies ticket was mobile, but on Stubhub it said that I could go to Rockies Customer Service to get my ticket printed off instead.  They did it ... at a price of $5.  Five goddamn dollars just to print a ticket?!?!  They had me over a barrel at that point, but fucking Christ, that is extortion.  I need to bitch at someone for that shit.
  4. Oh, and I got lost, too.  It was OK in the afternoon, but coming home from Voodoo I was fucking lost.  And since I had this painful farting emanating from my colon, I started to panic whenever a gas attack came on.
  5. One more: I'm leaving for home tomorrow.  It's going to be so fucking awkward after Mother supposedly called me out for yelling and having a temper.  Like I said: Where in the fuck does she think I get my yelling and temper from?  And I still don't have a job, either.
  6. Yeah, I should add one more: For the first time, or at least since I can remember, a background check wasn't perfunctory.  I have my temp agency asking for more information about past jobs.  Seriously, didn't the background check uncover that?
Maybe I should just stay in bed today.

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