Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Post-It Notes That Might Save Me

Going off on my last blog post, there might be some help for me to deal with not being able to remember what the fuck to do at work.  When I began training in this department, I felt the need to write down instructions.  However, I did not have a note pad ... but I did have Post-It Notes, and so whenever I had something I thought I needed to remember, I would write it on a Post-It (the smallest size), peel it off, fold it in on itself, and stick it in my pocket.  And there was a lot to remember, so I wrote on many Post-Its ... and when I came home at night,  I had a pocket full of them, all with notes to remind me what to do.

I didn't organize them, of course.  I threw them onto a pile which I kept in the kitchen counter while my parents were away.  I didn't review them, either.  In fact, the last time I remember even glancing at them -- I think -- was when one of my stripper girlfriends came over to clean the house.  She had a sandwich/Glad bag in which she threw in all of the small, sundry items I had on the counter: Those Post-Its, a holder of cards, various other notes from loose paper, etc.

I'm looking for that.  And I don't know where it is.  Obviously it wouldn't be in the kitchen anymore because my parents came back.  But where did it go to?  I hope to Buddha it's not in storage; at the very least I would hope that I would know that there is information in there that I would need, and having it in-house would be the very least I could do to make sure I would retrieve it when I absolutely would need it -- like right now.

I don't know whether this would put me in a better light with my supervisors, but now, yesterday, was my breaking point.  This is now/that was when I decided I needed to do better.  Now, I need to find the notes that will help me do better.  I feel kind of stupid without them.  So where the hell are they?

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