Monday, August 19, 2019

My Life Has Been Turned Upside-Down Because Of A Thermos

My Zojirushi flask has been a godsend in many ways.  Coffee that's cooled long before I want to drink has been a #firstworldproblem that has bugged me for years, so when I finally decided to do something about it and find something that would fix this issue, I jumped at the chance.  Nowadays I get coffee in that thermos and, after six hours, I drink it while it's at the perfect temperature.  I think I may have complained here in WAF about it working too well, that at some point I want to drink it but it's too hot, even hours after I poured it in.  But my current routine -- drinking it after six hours, although I sip after about 3 1/2 if I'm feeling really tired -- is something I've finally gotten used to.  Oh, and the flask works tremendously, if there is any doubt.

Sometimes, in fact, I take it home with me.  Work gets so busy that some times I don't finish my coffee at work and I have to bring it home to finish it.  Thursday was one of those days.  But I took it -- not home, but to my therapist, who I was seeing after work.  And I suspect that I left it there.  It's weird; I know I put my flask on the table next to me along with my phone.  And when I left, I grabbed my phone but not the thermos.

It's not a big deal except I realized I didn't have it with me the next morning, at which point I went, "Fuuuuuuuck, how am I going to stay awake now?"  I thought about sticking it out and just going caffeine-free for the day.  It'd probably be good for me.  But I didn't get much sleep the night before and I thought I would have a big night ahead of me, so even though it made me so late that I got flagged by my supervisor, I ducked into the gas station to get some fake frappuccino.

And while it got me through the day, that I was drinking lukewarm fake frap by the afternoon was a major buzzkill -- not necessarily caffeine-wise, but enjoyment-wise.  Same thing Saturday, although I usually "reward" myself by bypassing the workplace coffee machine and getting a fake frap from the gas station straightaway.  But usually on Saturdays I have the thermos to fill up; once I drink the excess from the styrofoam cup (I usually get the biggest size), I still have the warm stuff in my flask to enjoy.  But I didn't have it this past Saturday, so room temp fake frap it was to end my workweek.

I shouldn't be as bent out of shape over it, but I am.  So I am altering my plans today just so I can drive all the way back to my psychiatrist's office and retrieve my Zojirushi.  That is, if it's still there.  If it's not there (if they lost it or I had lost it somewhere else) ... well, I'm really fucked.

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