Saturday, September 28, 2019

Holy Shit -- I PULLED IT OFF???

OK, so here's what happened Thursday morning with my car in the shop.

Woke up to the sound of Father rooting around in the kitchen.  Thought I was fucked.

He was surprised to see me up so early.  Obviously, he didn't know that was because I needed to walk to The Mechanic Around The Corner to drive the loaner car.  But I have odd hours at this job, so I don't think that was too much of a problem for him.

My biggest concern was that, when I left the house, I would, of course, just walk down the driveway and out onto the street.  There would be no sound of firing up the car.  Once -- or if -- that doesn't happen, I would assume Father would either bolt to the window to see what the hell is going on with the silence, or he would figure out what's going on and interrogate me once I came home.  Either way, I would have just come clean.  Especially in the latter case, when, well, it was too late to do anything about it.

So I started walking, and down the driveway and street I went.  I didn't hear any shouting from Father behind me.  He was watching TV, so maybe he was so distracted by that (or his hearing is going) that he didn't notice he didn't hear something he was supposed to hear.  And Mother was sleeping at that time of morning.  I took one glance behind me to make sure he wasn't at the window.  It appears he wasn't, so under cover of night ... I started running down the street, as if that would have made a difference.

Came back with the car in the afternoon.  They didn't say anything.  And Father hasn't brought up the car, at least not yet.

Seriously, did he not notice?

Seriously, did I pull it off?

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