Monday, September 30, 2019

OK, This Wasn't The Slickest Move, But ...

OK, so I'm at the coffee place last night.  They have a frequent diner's program, you know?  (I wonder if I said anything about this before.)  And sometimes there's a person who didn't sign up, but the transaction is there for anyone, such as me, to take as credit for your account.  You normally get your credit when you use your credit card, but if you pay cash you put in your phone number.

I have done that in the past to steal credit.  Why not, you know?  If no one's going to take it, why can't I?  It was just going to waste otherwise.  So I did that last night.  And the barista came over and said, "I'm going to ask you not to do that."  I felt kind of sheepish whenever I did it because it looks like it's stealing even though it isn't, and now I "got caught."  But he explained further: "Your number is now attached to that person's credit card."

And you know, I get that.  Well, I did at the time.  But then I started rationalizing.  First of all, I've done this a few times before, and I check my credit card statements, and I have never seen any phantom charges on there.  (Well, besides the time I got my credit card number stolen, but the credit card companies were all over that.)  Second of all, if this program allows credit card numbers to be screwed up with phone numbers that aren't tied to those credit card numbers, well, maybe this isn't a good program.  So maybe that happens ... or maybe the program has no memory, as in you can put in any number after the transaction is made, and that's it, and in no way would the phone number be "tied" with the credit card number.  And finally of all, if this somehow means that I or the person whose transaction I "used" the credit from suddenly get charges they didn't charge, I'm sure the credit card company will be able to figure it all out, like they did when my credit card got stolen.  So maybe he's overreacting.

But, sigh, I'll stop.  I kind of look bad.  I don't think it's a big deal, but ... fine.


I'll say this, though: I've always had a weird feeling about this barista.  He's done the minimum he needs to do as a barista, and that's fine.  But I always feel as though, deep down, even though I go there all the time, he doesn't give a fuck about me the way he would about the "real" regulars at the place, and if he wants to, he'll shit on me.  It's just ... I'm not completely comfortable with him.  I don't need him to be charismatic and we don't have to shoot the shit or anything, but I've seen him for a couple years now and he's giving me nothing.  The warning about not putting in my number for other people's purchases is the longest we've spoken about something besides what I order.  Oh, and he's loud -- he slams a lot of things while working.  It's as if he has some unspoken anger he's holding in.  Yeah, I see you, and I see that -- because I DO IT TOO!!!

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