Monday, September 16, 2019

The End Of My Ordeal Over Mother's Mileage, Maybe?

OK, update.

I was going to take this morning to call the airline and plead and/or threaten and/or use Mother to harangue the customer service rep over her missing miles.  But the airline actually did make good on its e-mail Saturday.  Checked Mother's online statement and, even though it's messy as hell -- my parents took a series of flights that are listed as one huge ... journey on Father's online statement, and I don't think it looks the same way on Mother's -- it looks as though she got all the miles that had been missing.  In fact, I think the airline counted one segment twice, so at least for that "journey" Mother gets more miles than Father.  I don't know if the airline is going to clean that up, but since they faulted "glitches in the software" for Mother's missing miles, maybe we should just be happy with what we have now.

The reasons the airline initially gave for rejected miles for her -- that she (well, I) asked too late and that the partner airlines are not eligible -- apparently were reversed, thrown in as a mistake stemming from these "glitches in the software."  That makes me think, though.  I took the same airline when going to Hong Kong a couple years ago, and I think I got rejected for the same reason.  If I complain about it now and say that these same "glitches" are preventing me from getting the miles I'm owed for that flight, shouldn't I be able to get miles, too?  Yes, it's been a couple years, but still.

Father has one more segment missing, but I actually have proof of flight for that.  If this gets cleared, we're all good.  And my long, national nightmare will finally be over.

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