Saturday, September 7, 2019

Yeah, I'm Just Working Overtime Whenever

So with the crush of people leaving jobs at work (and news flash: Two more people are leaving, including my immediate supervisor), I have been asked to do overtime.  And since this rash of, uh, leavings has gone on everywhere, we have been asked to fill in, well, everywhere.  That has incentivized me to work more because I could make more money, obviously.  But now that I think about it, I'm not sure I'm going about it the right way.

I stayed an extra half-hour Sunday, and I stayed an extra half-hour just last night (Friday) when I was filling in second shift.  Both were in filing, which, compared to all the other compartments, I believe can weather people leaving better than the others.  However, as in my main department of data entry, they have asked all of us who work there (both on a regular basis and on an as-needed basis, which I am) to chip in.  So I did.

Now, I'm not sure if I should have, you know, asked my boss if I could stay an extra half-hour beforehand.  He did give a general offer, and I took it.  However, I re-read what he specifically said, and he specifically said to do overtime during the workweek, and specifically-specifically Thursday evening and/or Friday morning.  Friday night doesn't qualify for the latter.  And late Sunday afternoon fails both conditions.  But I worked them, and I am going to, uh, feel entitled to the pay I get for working both half-hours.

So, instead of going to my boss and just talking about the matter, I'm just going to assume that it was OK to work OT when I really wasn't supposed to work OT.  Hey, maybe he won't notice.  Or maybe he doesn't care when I work overtime because he needs all the people he can get doing the work that's backing up.  But it would be just me to, you know, just … work whenever.  Hope I can get away with it.

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