Saturday, September 14, 2019

I'm Too Late

Yes, this was my worst nightmare.  Even Mother was afraid of this.

She was scared that if I didn't pounce on getting her miles in time, it'll be too late.

And a couple nights ago I saw her online statement.  The flights I had just requested were there, but the miles were not.  And I saw the code: Request came too late.

No, I was afraid of this.  But I was afraid that Mother would suddenly freak out about this months after she initially asked about it, like she cared, stopped caring, then starting caring again.  If she was on this from the get-go and didn't stop, things could be much different.

But, no ... I feel so damn guilty.  Maybe I should have been on the ball a lot more.  There were requests that the airline did not take up, and maybe that was the point where I should have replied back, pushed back, fought back.  Then I would've gotten the miles for Mother, and I would not have to worry about some cutoff deadline.

However, how's this: Why couldn't she just have saved all the boarding passes for all the flights my parents took on vacation?  Mother gave me those passes and told me to ask for mileage for them.  She also told me -- I swear -- that if there are no pass, don't worry about getting miles for that flight.  That is what happened.  That is why she didn't get miles for those flights, and suddenly she's losing her shit over it.

Then again ... I just realized that I could have asked for miles for her without a boarding pass.  My Father and Mother obviously took all those flights together.  So, obviously, what flight segments he took are ones she took.  Moreover, the ticket number will probably be consecutive because they bought the tickets together -- and, and this is important, Mother's ticket number would be one more than Father's because, when ordering the tickets online, I'm certain that because they're "traditional," they would list Father's name before Mother's.  I could have just put in the flight number, flight points and ticket number and she would've been in, lickety split.

And yet ... I didn't take these trips.  I don't know where they went.  And these are not my miles.  Once again I am stepping into a situation for which I had contributed little to nothing, and Mother essentially gives me responsibility so that if I fuck up, she can blame me.  No -- I will not feel guilty about doing as much as I want to in order to appease her.  What's done is done.

One more twist ... I was at Glam Doll, chillaxing at my computer.  Just because I wanted to, I logged into Mother's statement, and I noticed small details that might add up.  The cutoff for which Mother apparently lost miles on is nine months.  The airline has the date of flights all correct, or at least I think so.  Then there are "posted" dates, dates the airline says they were informed of a request for miles by the flyer (in this case Mother).  I noticed that two flights both flew and posted on the online statement at roughly the same time ... one year apart, which I thought was well past the cutoff date to request miles.

Moreover, Mother received miles for one of those flights, but not for the other choreographed flight, even though she flew with Father, even though these flight segments were part of a whole journey and, by the way, is all paid for by one man with one credit card.  What the hell's the difference?  For all my self-hate over not staying on top of this, that discrepancy is so conspicuous that I am starting to think that it might not be my fault after all.  At any rate, I'm waiting on the airline.  Again.


I'm so freakin' tired right now I don't know if what I wrote above just now makes any sense.  I'm going to bed.

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