Thursday, September 26, 2019

And, It Went To Shit

So this is what happened:

  • I finally checked my voicemail.  It was from the dealership; the guy finally got back to me.  And he said his field rep won't give me a discount.  I thank him in a return voicemail ... and I intend on raising some sort of holy hell over this.
  • Got another voicemail shortly after work.  It was from The Mechanic Around The Corner.  They found a starter for a lot less than $600.  I say let's do it, and let's do it for Thursday/today.
  • I turn the car on so I can mosey on down to St. Paul and the United Match.  It doesn't turn over.
  • Tried it a few more times.  Shit.  I'm fucked.  And of course this would happen the day before I was going to drive it in.
  • Downloaded Lyft.  I had sworn to never use ride-sharing, but it was either fight the traffic, wait for a tow, then get yelled at by my parents, or trying like fucking crazy to hide that I'm taking my car into the shop.  But, I need the cover of night to do that, and besides, the Loons could clinch a first-ever Major League Soccer playoff spot with a win.  Why not go?  So I used a Lyft.  The guy was fine, even though I don't feel the win to use a rideshare again.  (Got a friend to take me back to work.  Oh, and MNUFC did win, hooray!)
  • Tried my car, hoping that the advent of night would cool the starter.  No dice; it's shot to shit.  I thank my friend and call the tow.
  • Truck comes in less than half an hour.  If I did this around 5, it'd take two.  Guy's a Trump supporter, but I like him.  Besides, he was my ride; I know better than to get too in-depth with politics with someone I need.
  • Tow truck guy dropped me off three blocks from home.  Walked up because my parents would get suspicious of a loud vehicle coming up and then backing down the driveway.  I don't think they suspect yet, but Father's up.  I think.
My plan is to wake up early tomorrow, hope my folks are still asleep, then quietly slip out of the house, walk down the driveway and get to The Mechanic Around The Corner on foot without them noticing.  If they do -- or if Father is awake when I wake up, which is likely to happen -- I'll tell the truth: My car won't start, and I took it to my auto repair place because fuck you, I want to do this my way, you'll just yell at me if I ask you for help, fuck you.

But damn, if I can just leave with them noticing, and my car needs just today to get it all fixed, and I can come home like nothing weird happened ... well, that's, like, my fantasy.

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