Thursday, September 24, 2020

How Did That Red Sticker Get There?

As part of our new screening policy, a nurse gives us a circular sticker which must stick to our badge (which, I believe, we must wear around work at all times now).  As a guy who doesn't peel off that activation sticker on his credit cards after he calls the number (I'm serious, you should take a look at it), I've let each day's sticker pile up on the previous day's.  Thus there is a series of circles, mostly but not entirely overlapping, taking over my badge like Eurasian water milfoil takes over a lake.

I made the mistake of thinking I could swipe my badge to sign in with that growing mass of stickers.  When I did, I peeled off the leading edge of those circles.  Since then, I've used that day's sticker to try and push down the edge that is now bent and free from my badge.  It hasn't worked.

I got home just now.  I went to the bathroom.  I took off my shirt to take a poop because I have this obsessive fear that my feces is going to touch the inside back of my shirt.  After that I looked down ... and I see a red dot stuck to my stomach.  Red was yesterday's (Wednesday's) color.  Tonight it did come off and stick to my shirt, but I stuck it back on my badge.  Still, how in the hell did it get stuck to my stomach?  I did not take off my shirt at any point while at work.  'Tis a mystery.

Oh, well.  I'm going to leave it on my stomach.  Hey, I leave my stickers on my credit card 'cause it ain't hurtin' no one.  Same thing with the dot!

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