Friday, September 25, 2020

Second Shift Stint Ends

Will I miss it?  Yes.  I just got used to the adjustment of coming in in the afternoon and working in the evening, and after tonight and I'll have to go back to working mornings and be pissed about not being able to adjust from second shift.

Honestly, some things have grated on me.  One of the guys I had to feed work to was getting on my nerves, slamming folders and brusquely asking me for stuff.  This wasn't the cool dude from days past when I substituted in filing.  But I said goodbye to him on my way out and he was nice to me, so who knows what's up with him?  In the meantime, I continue to hear my ex-trainer talk shit about me because I continue to do things wrong -- but not big things, small things that grate on him so much that, according to the gossip by my co-worker, he is all too ready to complain about these things to our supervisor.  There is a great danger in believing secondhand information.  But I have to admit this guy is really coming off as an asshole now.  As such, being able to completely avoid him these past two weeks has been a godsend ... and that will change once I go back to my regular schedule next week.  I might give him a sarcastic hi if I see him.

One other thing I've noticed: As much of a slacker as I already am, I think I have let things slide a lot more these past two weeks.  When I get up (and my body seems to wake me up just before the morning ends, around 10:30?), I put on Stephanie Miller on Sling and surf the Internet.  I then am roused out of bed by my folks to the dining room for lunch.  I then hop back into bed to surf more.  I rest my eyes in the hopes of getting in a nap; sometimes I have been successful, sometimes not.  I then take a shower just before I hop into my car to begin the workday.

There isn't too much productivity in with that.  No e-mailing, no calling, no scheduling, and certainly no cleaning of my room.  I've been busy some mornings; this week I had to get my tire changed and went to get a COVID-19 test for the Vikings Game this weekend.  But there are a lot of things I usually get around to doing when I work first shift that I don't do now.  Brushing my teeth and looking through my mail are two of the biggest off the top of my head.  I'll think I'll get back to doing those things once I'm back to first shift.  Whether I'm happy doing that, I don't know.

I don't know if I could do this shift for the rest of my life.  There are too many sports and shows on television I want to see at night.  But the good feeling, the relief, the freedom -- that doesn't go away.  Fewer people around me makes me happier.  And I still love, love, love! having that department all to myself with no one (well, besides anybody in the next room) bossing me around.  I should get my act together and find better-paying jobs where I am all by myself.

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