Thursday, September 3, 2020

She's Hot As Fuck, And She's A Conspiracy Theorist!!!

I shouldn't make these grand declarations about women, but I can say this about a lot of the women I, well, want to fuck -- the strippers who are in my life and the women I am friends with on Facebook because they're Playmates or porn stars or models or bodybuilders and show off their bodies in all the photos they post of themselves: They believe in conspiracy theories.

I have known, for a long time, that many strippers and Playmates are in fact Republicans.  I never really understood that; why would someone who is in the business of making money off of showing of their own bodies be loyal to a political party that swears by moral certitude and swears against glorifying flesh, mainly women's?  I still don't quite get it, but I have grown to understand that as monolithic as I (and maybe many Republicans) want Republicanism to be, there is a wing of that ideology that couldn't give two shits about religion and instead gives fealty to its cause because of its selfishness disguised as individualism.  Libertarians are really adults who have the maturity of  teenagers, and thus being conservative is somehow for them.

But ever since 2000 Republicans haven't just gotten extreme; they've gotten bug-fuck crazy.  And although George W. Bush deserves to be tried in The Hague instead of getting the revisionist history he doesn't fucking deserve, that entire goddamn party have shit for brains right now.  Pizzagate?  QAnon?  Adrenochrome?  Chemtrails??  JFK Jr. is alive???  People believe this bullshit.  People are actually running for Congress expressing loyalty to this cult.  And so many people have gotten wrapped up in its shithouse-rat claims that it has already exhibited the characteristics of a religion.

When people say the Internet, and in particular social media platforms, and specifically Facebook, is drowning in conspiracy theories, believe them.  I had no idea how many people are under the spell of these lies (all of them coming from the Republican side) until Donald Trump cheated his way to the presidency.  During the 2016 campaign and especially since he was installed, people I am connected to have posted these crazy stories denigrating Democrats and boosting Trump and, by definition, Republicans, too.  While my core friends, people I truly know from high school and my childhood, don't believe in this outlandish garbage, I have a few acquaintances that do.  Worse for my libido, of the many strippers I befriended from My Favorite Stripclub (Non-Cover Version), nearly all of them subscribe to conspiracy theories, whether it be QAnon or specific claims, such as vaccines cause autism and masks don't work.

A lot of the babes I'm friends with on Facebook, nearly all of whom I probably will never see in my lifetime, believe this crap.  Many of the Playboy Playmates I befriend on FB continue to post these conspiracy theories from time to time.  And my frustration with trying to deal with hot women who choose to live in this Bizarro World came to a head when it came to two non-PB hot babes either Monday or Tuesday night.

First, there is one "figure competitor" who has gone all in on essentially fellating Trump and posting all of these false news stories.  My final straw came when she posted on Facebook that bullshit story claiming that the Center for Disease Control now says that only 6% of the deaths that had been blamed on COVID-19 are actually because of that disease.  She runs her own business whereby she hawks these nutritional products, and since I believe those drinks are a bunch of literal hooey, thinking she would make the leap into Crazytown isn't so far-fetched.  Anyway, I actually replied to her with a story debunking the stupid-ass logic that led to that conclusion.  I checked on her thread, and I don't see it.  I think she deleted my post.  Later in the evening, I saw a Facebook story by a Playmate whom I haven't seen in a long time.  I liked her photo, then went onto her Timeline.  I went through her status updates, liking a couple ... before seeing #SaveTheChildren pop up on of her posts.  Then I see a meme she posted taking a cheap shot at Hillary Clinton, and then later I see that fucking hashtag #WWG1WGA.  I deleted a comment I sent her.  My God, she looks so normal, but she fucking believes in fucking QAnon?!?!?!

I think about pushing back more often.  But I hold out hope that one day I will see them in person and, yes, I hope they are willing to have sex with me, so I comment only sparingly.  All of this makes me sad.  It is really depressing to see so many beautiful women be taken in by such an obviously fake and stupendously reckless way of thinking like QAnon.  Yes, I am selfishly thinking with my penis when I let this get me down.  But the number of hot women I know, on social media and in my life, that have not been brainwashed by this I can count on my fingers.

In the meantime I have to ask myself the question people should ask themselves if one of the brainwashed is a close personal friend or a family member: Do you confront your loved one's BS conspiracy theories, or do you just live and let live, and love and let love?  I don't know how to answer this.  And regardless of who wins (or cheats to win), can I stay friends with the people I've met on the Internet and IRL if not all of us are happy with the result?  I don't know.  And that makes me even sadder.

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