Saturday, September 5, 2020

What's The Fucking Price?!?!

So I went to this brewery this afternoon (I won't give the name now, but when I do the EWR I probably will, I'm just keyed up about it now).  I am in a berry sour kick now, so I got that.  There were two sizes, a small for three dollars and a large for seven.

I was waved up (I was giving more than six feet) by the woman.  I asked for a small.  She said, basically, "Are you sure?"  And she showed me this thimble I would get for three bucks.  OK, I will get a big one.  "Alright.  Ten dollars."  Ten dollars?

And then I got confused.  If the big one's ten, then I'll take the small one ... after which she showed me the small cup again.  "But I don't see ten dollars on the menu."  "Oh, it's ten dollars because it's more expensive to brew."  Who cares -- I DON'T SEE TEN DOLLARS ON THE FUCKING MENU!!!

I just fucking gave up and paid ten bucks (plus tip!) for the beer.  It was really good.  But does that justify being lied to about the price?  Fuck no.

Oh my God, I am getting more pissed off, at the brewery and at myself, for being upcharged for this bullshit the more I think about it.  I can't go back to this place.  Well, for a while.  It's my hometown brewery, like I said it's got good beer, and honestly, it may be the prettiest brewery I've ever been to.  But I can't go back now.  I was there because the Little Blue Food Truck was there (for a second time this summer), and it doesn't look like there will be a third, so I don't have a good excuse to go back, and therefore I think I'll just stay away until I muster up my thinking and the courage to actually complain about the price and stand firm over it next time.

One other thing: I think people pay for food when they are charged a price different from the one listed on the menu much more often than people think.  I think it's a result of businesses not being vigilant in, or not caring about, updating prices.  I don't care if I come off as a dick; I need to stand up for myself more often when I'm being charged too much for something.

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