Friday, May 20, 2022

Overtime's Completely Complicating Things (Scheduled Post)

I've scheduled this post, like the one I actually wrote late Tuesday then scheduled for very early Wednesday morning, because I plan on coming to work early the next day.  Overtime has been offered at the end of work twice this week, as well as twice last week.  When that happens, the offer is to stay up to two hours late after the end of your usual shift and up to two hours before your shift the next day begins.

I have seen my bank account, and my credit card bills.  Also, I remember that I will be paying for the cost of this house soon enough.  Finally, I am cognizant of all the sex sessions I am having and know that it is going to be very difficult for me to let them go; those fuckaround sessions cost money.  So, at least for right now, I cannot afford to pass up OT, especially since I don't have parents who have made dinner I need to come home to at a decent hour.

So I am staying as late as I possibly can in the afternoon, and trying to get up early enough to make it worth it the following morning.  That has done a huge number on my sleep routine, let alone how awake I feel while working.  Moreover, there is a research study I have recently enrolled in, but cannot be fully enrolled in until I speak to someone over the phone to complete a screening.  I originally scheduled this last week but put it off because I wanted to stay and work overtime.  Well, as of yesterday/Thursday afternoon, I have e-mailed this interviewer four times asking for a postponement.  (I also was home once to receive her call at our originally appointed time, but our phone calls to each other could not be completed because we have crappy phones or something.)  She's a saint in understanding and rescheduling every single time.

And, of course, this has made me scramble to put in my daily blog post.  This week I am resorting to scheduling posts.  I may have to continue doing so if overtime is available for the foreseeable future.

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