Thursday, May 12, 2022

My Long National Nightmare (When It Comes To Getting A Refund For My Concert Ticket) Is Over

Well, I just looked at my credit card statement online and it confirmed what the good person at StubHub told me on ... Tuesday (?): I finally was rewarded the credit for the Rolling Stones ticket I bought but didn't get for their concert here back in October.

I talked about it here and here, but I'll recap again anyway.  Back in October the Stones were in town.  I bought a ticket from someone who couldn't go through StubHub, but I didn't get it in time for the concert, so I bought another ticket, through I think TicketMaster.  I figured I could talk to, first, the credit card company to dispute the charge, then, if only because I think they would not be as sympathetic to my plight, StubHub itself.  Didn't work out that way.  The credit card company wanted proof of my claim, I sent it, StubHub sent some shit, the credit card company sided with them, I tried to dispute it again, and then the credit card company said I sent in my rebuttal (through fax and then through the mail) was too late.

I had also tried to contact StubHub, though with less vigor because, again, I thought they would put up a much more petulant and exhausting fight.  First it was hell in getting ahold of them.  My first time I left my number, but when they returned my call a half-hour later I was driving, so when I called them back I was put on hold, so that was useless to do.  Second time I was on hold for an hour.  This was the customer service experience I was afraid I would get if I tried to talk to the vendor first, like the credit card company recommended.

But after getting fucked over by said credit card company, I circled back to StubHub because I really, really don't think I should have to pay for this concert ticket I didn't get.  Miraculously, the metaphorical wall I faced in talking to someone there back in December was gone by February.  I got an actual human being.  He or she said, however, that they couldn't do anything until the claim I initiated with my credit card company was dropped.  I wasn't quite ready to let go until March, when it became apparent it would be then who would be stonewalling me.  With the claim closed, I went back to StubHub ... and, by the grace of Buddha and God and the deities above, someone with StubHub sided with me -- that the concert ticket I had paid for in fact did not transfer into my account.  It never even occurred to me ask; I just, well, asserted that I didn't get my ticket.  But to hear someone from the vendor agree with me ... it took a weight off my shoulders.  And it made me feel that, even after almost six months after the concert, I would get my money back eventually.  And I did.

Maybe I should have been more patient with StubHub.  Maybe I should have thought the vendor in fact is the entity I should go to first in order to resolve this issue.  And by the way, I had thought about just ending any business with StubHub, but after this, we're all good.  The credit card company, on the other hand, I don't know.  I was disappointed with them because I thought it treated me well in the past.  (I still am very glad they out of the blue texted me that my credit card number was being used by someone to buy something I did not buy.)  It is StubHub, not this company, that fixed what was wrong.  I have turned down my relationship with them, so to speak; I charge most of my charges to my other credit card company.  I have thought about closing my account with them, but that would damage my credit score.  Still, now that everything's good, they didn't do a damn thing.  I'm not sure how I want to deal with them now.  Maybe I'll just give this credit card some automatic charges and that's it.

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