Tuesday, November 11, 2014

They Recognize The Pain In Me (Scheduled Post)

Move 'em over?  Why don't you fuckin' move 'em over?  I've got shit to do -- shit you want me to do.  If you're not gonna be around, I'm just gonna do what the fuck I like.  And if you don't like it, I am now at the point where you can fire me and I don't give a flying fuck.  You can probably take it from here, asshole.

You know, this isn't the first time he's talked down to me.


There's someone at work whom I've been working a little closely with for my project.  I've known her since I began there three seasons ago.  But this year I've had to do more things for her.  Because of that, and for the mutual stress we've been dealing with in what has become a very trying project, we've been talking a lot about how we're feeling about the project and how we're feeling about each other.

Today after work we vented again about how things are going.  I kind of alluded to what my boss (who's still on vacation) ordered me to do, and she started talking about him.  We've had some heart-to-heart talks over these few weeks, but I have to admit that one part struck a chord with me: She picked up on my comment about my asshole boss and said that she also sees how he "treats" me, and how he's always talking down to me.  I didn't want to break down and cry, but honestly, when she saw that, when she got to the truth of me and how I was really feeling, I turned into the little boy who cried constantly.  I wanted to break down in front of her, because by acknowledging the truth about him, she made it OK for me to let my guard down.

Well, I didn't.  But she was candid about asking for feedback on the project (and him) after all of this was over.  I have had enough of this guy, and I think I don't want to be back, ever.  So I'll take her up on her offer and unload on him.


Before today I planned on talking to the temp agency about my boss as well.  I still felt he hung me out to dry when he called from wherever he's vacationing from and told me he was cutting some people.  So before I took out the snowblower to clear my driveway (Toros are the best, by the way -- half-hour and it was totally clear!), a bit after 5 in the afternoon, I called my contact there.

It was about 25 minutes, but I felt a hell of a lot better.  I told him about how I felt overwhelmed, how I felt like my boss screwed me, and basically bitching about how he's an abusive and demanding prick.  Unlike this woman at work he either didn't believe he's a bully or he was being diplomatic.  But he empathized with me and, more importantly, said that I was put in an unfair situation.  I have no idea if there is a side temp agencies take, and I was afraid he would side with the clients, i.e. the companies that pay the agency money.  And I still don't know if my talking to him is going to lead anywhere.  But I felt a lot better after talking to him.


So now dealing with my asshole boss as he wants to know how we're progressing through the envelopes.  I'm probably a lot farther behind that he would want, but I don't care.  Like I said before, if he wants to fire me, at this point I'm actually OK with that.

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