Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A Grievance I Need To Air This Festivus

So I went to a Barnes & Noble to buy something for my niece.  I saw they had a table for gift-wrapping, and I remember having my gifts wrapped there a previous year.  So I came back another day and asked what the gift-wrapping schedule was.  She said there is no schedule; there is always someone who knows how to wrap a gift there at all times.  Great!

So I wake up early today and drive down there since it opens at 8 for the holiday season.  I not have the gift I bought from B&N but two other things from two different places.  And I kept each of those items in the original bag the cashiers put them in.  Probably a big mistake.  Because when I went up to the cashier to request them be wrapped, she said, "Yes, we do wrap them, but only gifts bought here."  And I will admit I was a bit curt to her when she asked for someone to wrap that gift.  I said no, I made a waving motion, and I got out of there.  (I stayed in the mall, though, to pick up some Tim Hortons.)

You know, in retrospect, maybe I should not have assumed that B&N would wrap all of a person's gifts.  But when I had gifts wrapped there before there was no issue.  Besides, what's the big damn deal?  She said that they don't wrap presents from other places because it's a "security issue."  What the hell does that mean?

So I have to stay out late again tonight.  I have to give this to my sister-in-law in the morning.

So tired.  So damn tired I will not be able to perform in the Feats Of Strength on Saturday.

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