Friday, December 15, 2017

Now Rescue Tape Is Going To Rescue Me

After work today I went all around my part of town to find things that would patch up the three leaks in the water pipe.  I bought a clamp, even though I was dubious it would fix all three leaks; epoxy, even though trying to use it correctly scares me; and even Flex Tape, the adhesive that did a bang-up job selling itself in informercials, even though I hear it's not that it's cracked up to be.

In the end I couldn't use the epoxy, because I think I'll screw it up, nor the Flex Tape, because I think I would wind up only using a little piece and I didn't want to waste thirteen bucks on something I would use only once.  So I tried the clamp, and sure enough, the rubber gasket that the clump was supposed to envelop couldn't get all three leaks, and so the water ran down the wall again.

Then I went online and found this product called Rescue Tape.  The Internet apparently raves about it.  I don't know how I stumbled upon it just now -- probably because I'm currently in a state of desperation -- but to hell with all the things I bought; I'm going to rely on Rescue Tape. 

Unfortunately, I can't find it anywhere, so I just bought it through Amazon.  And now I have to wait till Saturday to get it and, at the earliest, Saturday night to use it.  (I would have paid more in shipping than the tape itself if it weren't for using my American Express points to pay nearly all of it.)  So I will have to go through a third night without running water at the house.  I swore that I wouldn't do that, but I'm so scared of the stuff I bought that I'm now banking on something I didn't know existed till just now to save me.

God, why do people own houses for?

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