Friday, December 22, 2017

Addendum To: Enemy! Enemy!

So I spent most of my working day e-mailing and calling temp agencies to rustle up some work.  Yet, lo and behold, near the end of my day I get a message in my internal e-mail from a person within the company saying that they are looking for a temp in a different department to help out with stuff.  And she said that she not only talked to my temp agency, but also to the person who e-mailed my firing earlier this week.

I will admit that I felt a certain burden lift off my shoulders.  I don't want to get too carried away, however.  For one thing, I only replied to her request for an interview; there is no way to know right now whether I'll get the job.  More importantly, while I do now sort of regret my negative attitude around work, and while I don't want to be proud of what I did, I think people will understand why I reacted the way I did.  It does not matter that I'm a temp, that I should know what I was getting into, and that I've been through this before.  Yes, I understand this is a business decision.  Moreover, I understand the decision itself.  But people also have to understand that I am getting cut two months before I was told I would be.  So I've been spending many of my waking hours since learning about my canning, some of them at work, finding a new job.  I had no choice but to look out for myself, and I don't know about other people, but when I'm fearful about finding where my next paycheck comes from, I don't walk around with a smile on my face.

Saying that ... that was an honorable gesture on her part.  When you don't talk to someone about something you did, you can interpret it a lot of different ways, many of them bad.  And again, I don't know what will come out of this interview.  But while I questioned her attitude about telling me about my firing in this way, she did not have to say that talk to those people about me and my impending unemployment.  Regardless of what happens from here on out, in and of itself, she did a nice thing for me.  So no, she is not the total bitch I thought she was.

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