Monday, December 4, 2017

Winter Lawn Food Adventure

With college football season winding down and my parents away (well, until this week), I turned to an annual "tradition" I wanted to do but thought passed me by: Spreading winter lawn food on the yards before the snow comes in.  I am a big believer (or I have fallen hook, line and sinker) that putting down this "fertilizer" will be a massive help for our lawns in the long run because it gives the grass food over our long winter.  That's why I've made a point the past several years to do it.

Now, my parents are against the idea because they think it's a waste of money.  And since they left too early in the fall, came back at a time where it would have been ideal to buy and spread the food, and then left again just before Thanksgiving, I thought it was too late.  Nevertheless, we have had a very good run of mild weather, and thank Buddha that there hasn't been any snow yet.  And even though I had the thought of trying to look for grass food before I knew my folks were coming back home, the news brought more urgency to do it this weekend.  I was determined the past couple days to find it and buy it.

But my fear that it's too late to find food in December seemed to be fully realized Wednesday and then Saturday, when I went to a couple hardware stores and they seemed to have shipped them all back.  And since the forecast called for rain on Sunday (at least the last time I saw the news, which was more than a couple nights before the weekend), I thought it was too late.  My parents would be home before next weekend, and I don't need them lecturing me on what I wanted to do.

However, yesterday/Sunday, it did not rain.  That, coupled with the impetus provided by my parents invading my privacy by coming back home way too early, spurred me to try again.  So after coming back from dim sum with my uncle, aunt, cousin and his ... girlfriend/wife?, I looked on the Internet to see that Home Depot said online that they had some bags of winter lawn food in the other HD that is close to home.

I kind of didn't feel like it, but since I took a bit of a nap near the end of the Vikings' win over Atlanta, I caught a second wind.  I felt that if I hurried, I could go there, buy a bag if it was there, and spread the whole thing before night fell.  I had to hurry, but seriously, how big of a chore is spreading food?

And it wasn't a big chore.  I actually waited until the New Orleans-Carolina game kicked off before I headed out the door, and I bought the bag, came home, and spread it around my back and my front lawns before halftime of the earlier late game, Chargers-Cleveland.  An hour to do all that tops, lickety-split, just like that, and I was done and accomplished something that I wanted to do -- and just in time, since there's supposed to be rain as early as overnight.

That's it.

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