Thursday, January 4, 2018

Do I Have To Worry About This Car Now?

Finally got my car in to be service this evening.  Oil change and tire rotation.  But I was reminded when I brought the car in that the last time I was there, I rejected their recommendation of getting their transmission fluid changed.

I rejected then, and I rejected it tonight, because I thought it was the dealership just trying to shake me down for stuff I don't need.  But just to be sure, while I was waiting at the dealership, I went online to check if Honda actually said anything about when I should have the tranny fluid changed.  And ... it appears as though that many websites said it would behoove me to change it earlier than any sense I have to wait, or the 60,000 miles I had seen in a couple places that purportedly convey what Honda believes should be the time to change it.  In other words, when the dealership says they recommend the fluid change, it may be because it's hitting me up for more money, but it may tangentially also be the right thing to do.

Oh, great.  But then I thought, Why don't I just check the fluid for myself?  Apparently it's supposed to look red; if it looks brown, that's when it's time to change it.  If I have the mechanic look at me checking it out (just to make sure I know that I'm doing it right) and it looks really bad, I'd ask them to drain it right then and there.  Might as well do it while I'm at the dealership, and they wouldn't just reject my money if I want a service, right?

But I checked the Internet about how to check the transmission fluid, and only then did I realize that my car is one of those newfangled cars that doesn't have a dipstick for tranny fluid.  It's one of those self-contained, hermetically-sealed units, so I guess you just wait until you reach 60,000 miles and the dashboard indicates that it should be changed, dissenting voices notwithstanding.

Look, I still think listening to the dealership and not the car company is a ripoff; the dealership is there to make money off of you.  So I decided to just let it go.  I'm going to wait to get the transmission fluid changed until the car says it should.  Have to trust the car -- right?

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