Tuesday, January 2, 2018

With Two Weeks Off, What To Do?

When I learned that I likely will have the rest of this week and all of next week off -- well, unemployed -- I wasn't as anxious as I usually am.  Maybe that's folly; after all, I need money, and beyond the paychecks I'm getting for working (more like showing up) last week and for the two Vikings games I worked, I have nothing else coming in.

However, this forced furlough gives me some time to do the things I should do and the things I want to do.  It helps tremendously that my folks aren't here, at least not yet.  Wth them gone I can putz around the house whenever I want and have the time and space to, for example, go through and throw my papers away, or maybe finally bag some of my Entertainment Weeklys for the first time in years.  I went into storage and pulled out two bags; if I'm enterprising enough, I'll actually go through both of them.

And yet there are a lot of things I want to do that's pulling me out of the house.  Having no work means I can see my shrink.  I'm taking in an interview Thursday morning, even though it's not going to amount to much, seeing as I have a job (on a temporary basis, at least) in two weeks.  I have time to exercise.  I have time to go to my ladies and have sex with them.  I have time to throw away, if I want to, and even though I know that's bad, I probably will.

My parents are supposed to come home next week.  There will be a few days which overlap whereby they are home and I will still be unemployed.  That is temporary since they will be leaving virtually straight away.  Moreover, I actually welcome them home because the water pipe leaks are getting a lot worse.  The tape isn't holding the pinhole leaks I see in that one section of pipe, and there are now really bad leaks springing from both water shutoff valves.  Again, since I have so much time, I might get around to trying to fix them.  Or I might continue to keep turning the water off and making sure there are pails and mops to collect the water when I turn the water on.  Bought Shamwows too, so that should help with any huge messes.

So I guess what I'm saying is that right now I sort of am playing with house money.  Will I maximize the time I have to myself?  Probably not.

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