Friday, May 8, 2020

Nothing To Do ... And Thus Nothing To Say

I should admit something: Ever since the stay-at-home order, I don't feel as though I have a whole lot to say.  In a sense, that shouldn't happen: I have a lot of time now, and WAF gives me an outlet to just talk about stuff I'm feeling.  Then again, maybe having blogger's block is inevitable.  There is no sports, I can't go out, I'm not seeing anything, so there isn't much to blog about when it comes to those things.  And so now I have one hour left to get my daily blog post in, and I'm kind of being ... meta about blog posting.  Which, come to think of it, I decided would be OK when I started Wailing And Failing.

In turn, I have been struggling to come up with titles for these blog posts, as you may have noticed.  With having a paucity of inspiration to come up with blog posts, I naturally have trouble coming up with a title for said blog posts.

You know, I have all this time in the world, especially on weekends, aka now.  And I could go through my papers and clean up my room, but instead I just flail around complaining that I don't have anything to write about.  I mentioned this to a Facebook model friend last night; I am scared that if we live through this and if all this is over, I will look back on these days I'm in right now and regret that I didn't do anything.  She replied that we're living in the middle of a pandemic and we aren't in some productivity contest.  But, well, still.  But, you know, she's right, too.

That's all I got.

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