Sunday, May 24, 2020

Now I Have A REAL Problem At Work

OK, so there was this co-worker who's now my supervisor, the one I thought was a bitch, then wasn't, then (maybe) was again and then (maybe) was not again?  Well, after how she treated me yesterday, she's a complete bitch -- a cunt even -- and she can't come back from that.

She has a penchant of, uh, jokingly complaining about someone.  She frequently says something to the effect of, "(insert name here) broke the computer again!"  She actually said it in the morning.  But a bit after that, after talking to the co-worker next to me, she muttered my name, and for what, I don't remember.  And I thought she was joking, like usual, so I said something not worth remembering back to her.  But she shot back: "I need to see if you're going to pull your weight."

Uh, excuse me?  I don't know what the hell she's talking about.  But I got blindsided that she came back at me with an insult like that.  That means that she isn't joking.  All I could do was stammer out something to the effect of, "We'll see about that," after the window for clever comebacks closed, if you know what I mean.

OK, so I'm already thinking that I need to raise this with my boss.  But she destroyed any chance we could have a workable relationship at the end of the day ... and it was my fault, even though I still don't really know what happened.  What I know is that there was a folder and there were applications that were missing, but ever since our hours were cut, I have seen that many times.  Now, I don't quite remember what happens in those cases, but I do know that I didn't want to speak to her, and usually when I do raise something to her, she says it's nothing.  So I thought it was nothing.  So I passed it through.

Ah, yeah, that was a big mistake.  On her way out, she was pissed at me.  Paraphrasing: "You know that folder you sent through?  There were, like, dozens of forms missing.  Why did you pass it through?  Why didn't you tell me?!"

So, what do you say to someone after you fucked up big time, but who passive-aggressively made an unfair accusation to your face a few hours before and now was walking away from you after shooting a look of disgust beneath her surgical mask?  You scream, "Sorry!  Have a nice weekend!" at her back with as much sarcasm as you can.  And I didn't have to wait a beat to think it up.  Now that's what you call a comeback!!!

Maybe I should have done better with that folder, to put it mildly.  But when her feelings for me aren't that great to begin with, and she told me as much, and her reasons for it are bullshit, I really don't have too many fucks to give ... even though I've been thinking about her behavior toward me ever since I got home.  Man, this water off a duck's back mindset I just cannot do. ...

So yeah, I really need to talk about this to my boss now.  He needs to know that if my supe wants to start a passive-aggressive war of insults, she'll fucking get one.  I have a right to stand up for myself.

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