Friday, December 4, 2020

Thoughts On Election Day, Part 3

This doesn't directly have anything to do with the election, but it is something I talked about in the past.

I blog posted before about how my inbox has been stuffed with political fundraising appeals.  I thought that once Election Day was over, my inbox would be growing by a smaller, much more manageable, and less anxiety-raising level.

So, it's been just over a month.  Has it gone down?  Sort of, but not as much as I like.  I had been averaging over 100 e-mails per day.  Now ... well, for the first several days it felt like I averaged 50 e-mails per day.  But then I just got around to knocking down my inbox after not looking at since Monday.  I saw it earlier today, at work, and I had just over 200.  When I looked at it just now I somehow ballooned to over 300 messages.  Yikes!

The fundraising e-mails have not stopped, at least not entirely.  But that, partially, is because the election isn't over yet.  Uniquely, both Senate races in Georgia are headed toward runoff elections to be held just after the New Year.  As such, of course, the Democratic campaigns have gone back to appealing to me for more money through e-mail blasts.  Other e-mails from other candidates, both successful and not, have continued to come, though not at the furious level before Election Day.  I assume they are also pitching in to raise money for the Georgia runoffs; they would have no good reason to raise money for anything else.

But shoot, that's a lot.  And if I leave my inbox for a few days, like I did this week, it's going to add up.  And so I have been trying to go through those new e-mails like an explorer through a jungle thicket armed with nothing but a scythe.  Tough sledding, and I don't know if I can handle this deluge for another month ... or, even scarier still, if that deluge will end after that date.

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