Sunday, October 16, 2022

Who Is This Guy?

So a guy popped up at our alma mater's college Game last/Saturday night.  Never seen him before, but he sounded like an alum and a fan.  He wanted to be kept abreast of our activities, so I lent him my phone so he could put in his e-mail address in my Notes app.  And then, after out team, we hugged and said goodbye and I told him I'd catch him another time.

And then his check came.  And he wasn't there.  He was gone.

So I paid his tab, and I planned on e-mailing him this/Sunday morning telling him that hey, maybe he was upset and/or drunk and he skipped out on his bill.  But then I re-checked the e-mail address he put into my phone.  And maybe I was upset and/or drunk, because I noticed that his address wasn't formatted the right way.  There was no "@."  Instead, there was an "&" and then there was nothing after it.  And I am hating myself right now for not noticing until today that he didn't give me a goddamn e-mail.

So who is this guy?  Is he some fake who wanted to act like he was with us just so he could skip out on a $10 bill?  I don't want to believe that.  For one thing, that's sad.  And for another, he gave us so many accurate details that I have to believe that he did go to our school.  If he was going to do this much research in order to lie, he'd use it to sucker somebody out of more money than just fucking $10.  Which leads to me not doing the smart thing and giving him my cellphone because I have a money app on it.  People still money by asking to borrow a stranger's phone to call someone, for example, and instead go to their app and take their money online.  Well, I checked my account this morning and I still have all my money.  Maybe I need to check again.

The easier explanation is that he was pissed off and just left.  So what explains the e-mail?  I swear I saw something like and not this "&" thing.  Did I somehow undo what he typed?  As bad as this guy could be a shyster, my opposite fear (although I'm not as much fearful of that as this is some guy who gets off on lying to people to skip out on tabs) is that he is an alum and he'll be upset at me because I haven't included him in my e-mails.  Great -- I gotta worry about this problem and then I gotta worry about that other problem.

Hopefully this is all an oversight and he'll come around to watch another game with us later in the season, and he'll profusely apologize for not paying his bill.  And then I'll get his e-mail address for real this time.  But dammit, why couldn't he just pay for what he drank?

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