Wednesday, October 19, 2022

A Tad Miffed Yesterday

Despite getting out of work "only" 45 minutes after my shift should have been over, I think yesterday/Tuesday was a shitty day in The Fourth Department.  Everybody sucked today, from the truck driver who may have given me a sideways finger (what the fuck is that?  Didn't have the wrist strength to turn your finger all the way up?  Lol!) after honking at me on my way to work to the two little kids who wanted me to open the exercise room door for them even though I'm not supposed to.

But yesterday, the people who really sucked are my co-workers.  There is one person from another department who wanted to let us know that she could step in when we get forms from this company for which we don't know a piece of information.  This goes against our policy, but we turned it over to her.  But for this particular form, there were two pieces of information I needed, but she gave me only one.  Well, once a form gets to The Fourth Department, we usually reach out to the employer/client to give us the information we need.  But if this person volunteered to step in and do the fact-finding herself, I figure she could just investigate on her own and tell me that other piece of info I need.  No, she hands it back to me and says, in no uncertain terms, to find that my own damn self.  Look, if you're going to step in and say you can find this, and you know my job is to find this and that (if I need to find this and that), wouldn't it be easier for you to find this and that?  Shakin' my head.

My supervisor pissed me off, too, probably moreso than anyone else at work yesterday.  She wasn't there (she was working at another building), but I reached out to her for a question.  She basically said, "I'm not there, so why don't you ask the boss instead?"  Now, I understand that she probably didn't want to be bothered, and she may have been busy at her job.  But I swear -- I swear -- that she told me that if she ever had a question, even if she was home from work, I could ask her.  I have asked her questions even when she was off the clock, and most of the time, she answered them.  I don't know why she rejected me this time.  Yeah, it's not as if I can stay mad at her -- I will have to ask her questions when she is there -- and besides, she has done and will probably continue to do a lot for me.  Still, it rubbed me the wrong way when she said that, OK?  I am still a tad miffed at her, though I was a tad miffed at everybody yesterday.

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